Brooke Monaghan

An Inspiring Journey in Dance and the Mentors Who Shaped Her Success

by Danielle Brown

published in print: September 2024

Brooke began her dance journey at the tender age of three, stepping into a local dance studio where she was captivated by tap and jazz combinations. ‘I fell in love with dance from that moment and have been doing it ever since,’ she recalls. As she matured, her passion for dance evolved, and by the age of 10, she decided to focus solely on ballet at The McDonald College. However, at 16, Brooke recognised the importance of diversifying her skill set to pursue a professional career in dance, leading her to embrace all styles once again. In 2018, she joined ED5 International, embarking on a transformative two-year full-time course. ‘It’s a decision I’m forever grateful for, as it has helped me build a versatile career.’

What inspired you to start at ED5?
Brooke: Before I started at ED5, I used to take Leslie Bell’s classes at the Sydney Dance Company. One day, she and William Forsythe taught a combined class, and I was incredibly inspired by their teaching. Seeing the success of ED5 graduates at the time also intrigued me, and I knew I wanted to experience it for myself. I felt that ED5 would push my boundaries and help me become a better performer.

Who was your favourite mentor at ED5?
Brooke: It’s almost impossible to pick just one favourite mentor, but two stand out for me: William and Leslie Bell. William’s knowledge and experience in the industry taught me so much about myself, both as a dancer and as a person. His belief in me and ongoing guidance, even after I finished my training, have been crucial to my success. I’m grateful every day to have had such an incredible mentor.
Leslie Bell was another favourite. I was always challenged and inspired by her teaching. With her guidance, I achieved things I didn’t even know I was capable of. Without William and Leslie, I wouldn’t be the dancer or person I am today. I’m forever grateful to all the mentors I had at ED5.

What is different about ED5’s training?
Brooke: ED5’s training is like no other. They don’t just teach you how to sing, act, or dance—they prepare you for the entire industry by offering unique classes that you don’t find elsewhere.

For example, there’s a class called ‘Performance Coaching’ where you sing in front of a vocal teacher and your peers, not just to perfect the song, but to learn how to perform it and present yourself in an audition. Another valuable class is the mock audition, where each week we’d receive a different brief and face a new panel, simulating real-life audition situations. This taught me resilience, which I believe is the most important trait you need to succeed in this industry.

ED5 also focuses on private singing lessons, group harmony, and understanding how to properly care for and nurture your body. Their comprehensive approach sets you up for success in every aspect.

How did ED5 contribute to your success as a dancer?
Brooke: ED5 played a huge role in my success. They prepared me for everything I needed to know, and when I started my first contract with Celebrity Cruises, I felt ready and confident. The skills I learned during my time at ED5 made the transition into my professional career incredibly smooth.

When did you start your first professional job?
Brooke: I started my first professional job in 2022, just after the COVID-19 pandemic had settled. I was offered a contract with Celebrity Cruises in May and had just two weeks to gather all the necessary visas, medical certificates, and pack my life up before flying to Miami to begin rehearsals. I worked as a Production Cast Dancer on Celebrity Equinox, sailing around the Caribbean.

How do you like your career so far in the industry?
Brooke: It’s everything I ever dreamed of and more. I’m doing something I love and have focused my life on for the past 24 years. To be able to call something I’m so passionate about my job—what more could I want?

What are you up to at the moment?
Brooke: I’m currently on board Celebrity Beyond, cruising the Caribbean as the Dance Captain in the Eden Production Cast. This is my third contract with Celebrity, and I love working for them. I appreciate their values, their focus on diversity, and I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given so far.

What are your career goals?
Brooke: While I love sailing the high seas and seeing the world with my job, I still have goals I want to achieve. One of my long-standing dreams is to perform in a musical. I’ve always loved tap dancing, so musicals like Singin’ in the Rain or 42nd Street would be a dream come true for me.

Why does dance make you happy? How does it make you feel?
Brooke: Dancing brings me so much joy. It makes me feel free, and when I’m performing, I can fully express myself and forget about any worries in my life. When I’m on stage, I’m focused solely on the joy it brings me and how I’m making the audience feel.

Do you have any advice for young dancers?
Brooke: If dancing is something you love and have always wanted to do, don’t give up. There will be hard days, but if the love is there, it’s worth it. Always thank your family and the people who support you because, without them, your dreams might not be possible. I’m forever grateful to my mum for never giving up on me and always supporting me. She’s a big reason I’ve been able to achieve my goals.