Manu Sarswat

Life As An Aspiring Dancer

by Darcie Virtue

Featured print issue: July 2024

In a world where dreams often seem distant and unattainable, individuals like Manu defy the odds, turning their passion into reality. Manu’s dance journey began at eight, primarily dancing at family events and practicing at home with his family. His mother’s decision to enrol him in a workshop during their time in India set the stage for a lifelong love affair with movement. Upon returning to Australia, he commenced formal training at 12. Despite the inconsistency in his early training, Manu dedicated significant time to learning from online resources, honing his ability to pick up choreography from videos. In 2019, Manu joined ED5 International for full-time training, seeking to further his skills and pursue his passion for dance in a more structured environment. Now, at 23, Manu stands on the precipice of a new chapter in his dance journey. With two contracts on world-renowned cruise lines under his belt, he sets his sights on a new horizon—London. As he prepares to take the leap into this bustling metropolis, Manu embodies the spirit of resilience and determination that defines the true essence of a dancer.

Why did you choose to train at ED5?

Growing up, I battled with my parents over my passion for dance. Coming from an Indian background, I had a strict upbringing, and convincing my parents to let me pursue dance was no easy feat. They insisted I have a backup plan, something other than dance. As a result, my dance training was limited, but my desire to improve and excel only grew stronger.

For me, enrolling in a full-time dance program was a chance to receive the comprehensive training I craved. ED5 stood out as the perfect fit. I was drawn to ED5 by watching their promotional videos and observing the successes of their graduates. The high rate of graduates securing contracts was particularly compelling, and I knew ED5 was where I wanted to be.

At what point in your dance journey did you realise you wanted to pursue it professionally?

When I was in Year 12, as I approached the end of my schooling, I found myself asking: what next? Like many students, I was uncertain about my future path. Despite my passion for dance, there was uncertainty about whether I could pursue it professionally, especially given my parents’ reservations. But everything changed when I auditioned for ED5 in August of Year 12, before even completing my HSC. It was a scholarship audition, and after chatting with the directors and receiving confirmation of my acceptance, I shared the news with my parents. Surprisingly, this moment convinced them to fully support my dance aspirations. Securing a spot at ED5 felt like a breakthrough for me.

What do you believe sets ED5 apart from other dance institutions?

The directors, William A Forsythe, Elena De Cinque, and Mario De Cinque, have curated this course uniquely. They’re not looking for someone who’s trying to be the best; they just seek potential. During my audition, I didn’t feel confident, but when I spoke with them, they saw my struggle and where I wanted to be. I’m grateful for that. I had very little technique, I’d never tapped, barely sung, or acted. The aura, the space, the teachers—they are very nurturing and focused on the growth of everyone. You always feel heard and seen; they truly want the best for everyone.

What’s unique about ED5 is that they don’t just teach you to dance, act, and sing; they teach you to be a good person first and foremost. They teach you to be mature, independent, and approachable. These qualities are crucial in the industry. When you meet their graduates, you can tell they’re professionals.

Training at ED5 also means sharing the room with high-caliber choreographers like William Forsythe and Leslie Bell. They played a crucial role in shaping my knowledge and training in jazz. It’s inspiring to be in their presence; I just wanted to soak up everything like a sponge!

Were you taken aback by the intensity of the training when you first started full-time?

Yes, I was taken aback by the variety of disciplines we were expected to cover. I came in with limited experience, mainly focusing on dance and dreaming of a career in Bollywood. I didn’t anticipate the singing lessons and other components of the program. It was overwhelming, especially in the first year. However, as time went on, I adapted and embraced the challenges. The second year was pivotal; everything started to fall into place, and I began to see the bigger picture.

Did you have a favourite mentor at ED5?

Danielle Irwin. Her impact on me was profound, especially in vocal and performance coaching classes. Her energy is unmatched; she was so positive and nurturing to each student. In many ways, she became like a second mother to me during full-time training. Danielle pushed me to my limits. Her focus on storytelling transformed how I approached performances; she created a space where I felt at ease exploring my artistic expression. Stepping out of my comfort zone was initially daunting, but Danielle’s encouragement motivated me to embrace the challenge. The storytelling skills I learned from Danielle have had a lasting impact on all aspects of my training. They have enabled me to perform more authentically.

Tell me about your first contract.

My first professional job was for Norwegian Cruise Line in 2022. It was an incredible experience, even better than I had imagined. Traveling the world at such a young age was beyond my expectations. Dancing on a cruise ship for guests made me realise that this dream job was attainable. It was surreal at first, but I quickly fell in love with it. There were so many lessons and experiences I gained from that opportunity. I enjoyed it so much that I went back for another contract.

How did ED5 contribute to your success?

Ship auditions can be quite intense, with many rounds to go through. For me, the experience was different because I believe I perform better in person. Due to Covid, there were many self-tape auditions, but I felt limited by not being able to fully showcase my performance abilities. Being in the room allows me to let go and perform for an audience.

My training at ED5 not only provided me with the necessary dance skills but also taught me how to carry myself as a mature adult and professional in the audition room. This aspect set me apart from others.

Being on a cruise ship for seven to eight months with a group of strangers isn’t always easy. But ED5 helped me stay focused on my goals and reminded me why I was there. It’s easy to get caught up in the cruise ship bubble and forget about the real world, but ED5 instilled in me a sense of purpose and direction.

You have just moved to London! Do you have any goals that you want to achieve while you are there?

London offers a wealth of opportunities for dancers. I recently secured an agent, Brewis Scott Associates, and am currently focusing on immersing myself in the vibrant dance culture of the city. The incredible training opportunities, diverse classes, and abundant resources for performers are truly inspiring. I believe this environment will significantly enhance my skills. I’m excited to absorb everything London has to offer, connect with industry professionals, and explore all potential avenues to elevate my career. With an open mind, I am ready to embrace whatever comes my way.

Do you have any advice for young dancers?

Remain open to all opportunities and don’t limit yourself to a specific path. Sometimes the unexpected journeys lead to the most rewarding destinations. Apply yourself, be patient, and explore every avenue available to you.